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Report Emergency Pay Bill

My water was turned off for non-payment. Now what do I do?

  • Updated

If your water service was turned off for non-payment, your bill must be paid in full, including a $45 reconnection fee, before we can turn it back on. There are many ways to pay: online at, over the phone, in person, or by mail. Our Pay My Bill page will outline all the available options.

If you are unable to pay your balance in full, you can visit our Drops of Kindness page to see if you are eligible for assistance. If you do receive assistance, but there is still a remaining balance, you must sign up for a payment plan with our partner, Promise Pay. Once the payment has been received and/or the payment plan set up, your water service will be turned on by midnight of the next business day. Note, if you pay with ACH (online check), it can take three to five days to process the payment. We cannot resume your water service until the transaction has been completed.

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